1987Introduction of sugar beets and oleaginous plants in West Nubaria, Egypt (feasibility study, GTZ)
1989Application des ordinateurs pour la gestion des données (training, staff of Morrocan plant quarantine service, GTZ)
1990Analyse des systèmes ruraux et agricoles dans la region de Meknès, Marokko (study, GTZ)
1991-93Analyses of markets for agricultural products and production means in the EEC (study, Hoffmann-LaRoche, Schweiz)
1996Etude des effets socio-économiques du programme d’activités génératrices de revenus du Projet de Securité Alimentaire et de Nutrition, Burkina Faso 1996 (impact evaluation, Ministère de l’Agriculture, Projet de Securité Alimentaire et de Nutrition, GTZ – ESB / PSAN)
1997L’analyse de la participation des bénéficiaires dans les projets s’occupant de la gestion des ressources naturelles au Burkina Faso (study, German mission at Comité Permanent Inter-Etats de Lutte contre la Sécheresse dans le Sahel , MA-CILSS/GTZ, Ouagadougou)
1997/1998Typologie et analyse des systèmes d’exploitation dans la région du Projet de Développement Rural Poni, Burkina Faso (study, Ministère de l’Agriculture / GTZ, Projet de Developpement Rural (P.D.R.) Poni)
1998Etude des effets socio-économiques du programme d’activités génératrices de revenus du Projet de Securité Alimentaire et de Nutrition, Burkina Faso 1997-1998 (impact evaluation, Ministère de l’Agriculture, Projet de Securité Alimentaire et de Nutrition, GTZ – ESB / PSAN)
1999Preliminary assessment of economic impacts of land reclamation projects in the West Bank (study, UNDP/PAPP)
2000-Feasibility study of the co-operation between UNDCCP and ICARDA in the alternative development of drug-producing areas of the Sinai peninsula (project apraisal, ICARDA)
2002Policy development for the conservation of agro-biodiversity in Palestine: socio-economic aspects (policy development, ICARDA and UNDP/PAPP)
2003, 2005Evaluation of research proposals from German universities and CGIAR-Centers (BEAF-GTZ)
2004Advantages for Jordan from a regional cooperation in the framework of the German-funded project „Global Water (GLOWA) Jordan River“ (project appraisal, ATEEC)
2004Advantages for Palestine from a regional cooperation in the framework of the German-funded project „Global Water (GLOWA) Jordan River“ (project appraisal, AAA/PARC)
2006Preliminary impact assessment of participatory irrigation management (PIM) in the Jordan Valley (ATEEC and GTZ)
2006, 2007Evaluation of research submissions to RP 6 and 7 (European Commission, DG Research)
2008Development potentials of farming systems in the Jordan Valley under aspects of future changes in irrigation potentials (study, ATEEC)
2009Impact analysis and planning of integrated local irrigation systems for small farmers in the West Bank (AAA/PARC)
2009/10Economic analyses of treated wastewater reuse for agricultural purposes in Saudi Arabia (study, Fichtner Water & Transportation GmbH, Stuttgart/Rhiyad))

2010Options for an appropriated management structure for the Aweil rice irrigation scheme based on the principle of cost recovery, Southern Sudan (study, GTZ-International Services mbH)
2010/11Jordan Water Demand Management (study, Agence Française de Développement/French Development Agency)
2010/13Development of local scenarios for integrated water resource management in the Jordan Valley (research study, IWRM Project SMART, KIT/BMBF)
2012/13Adaptation to effects from Climate Change, Palestinian West Bank (project proposal and tender texts, GIZ mbH)
2014Development of project proposals for EU tender on the Egyptian water sector (methodological expertise, GIZ – International Services, Brussels)
2014/15Evaluation approaches for agricultural value chains (methodological expertise, German Institute for Development Evaluation (DEval))
2016Audit mission „El- Niño Action Area in the Reform of the Water Sector Programme“, Zambia (study, GIZ mbH)
2016Performance audit of alternatives for water supply and sanitation in Wadi Shueib, Jordan  (research study, Karlsruhe Institut for Technology, BMBF-project SMARTF)
2017Measurement concepts for indicators of success on employment and investments bin African countries (study and workshop, GIZ mbH)
2018Measurement of employment effects due to the advancement of sanitation in rural areas, Morocco (study, Project CESAR, GIZ mbH)
2018/19Ex-post evaluation of the Palestinian-German „Water Programme for the Palestinian Territories“ 2006-2017, Palestinian territories (project evaluation, GIZ mbH)
Accomplished Assignments